Troy Sensano | President
Degree and Major: Public Health & Microbiology
Class standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): Infectious Disease Physician
Hobbies: Hiking; Binge-watching Netflix, Hulu, and recently getting into anime; and Food!
Favorite Place To Travel: Colorado
RJ Dinulong| Vice President
Joanne Wong| Secretary
Degree and Major: B.S. Molecular Cell Biology
Class standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): Physician (Oncology)
Hobbies: I like to sleep whenever and wherever I can
Favorite Place To Travel: I stayed in Ireland for a summer studying ochem and loved it, so I’d love to go back again some day
Degree and Major: Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology
Class standing: Junior
Career Goal(s): Medicine and Research
Hobbies: Eating, journaling, playing pickleball, spending time with friends and family
Favorite Place To Travel: Ireland
Minami Wada | Director of Finance
Degree and Major: B.S. Psychology
Class standing: Sophomore
Career Goal(s): Medical school or Psychology graduate school
Hobbies: Surfing, going to the beach, hanging out with friends and family, and sleeping
Favorite Place To Travel: California
Kai Roshto | Director of Community Service
Degree and Major: B.S. Microbiology & Psychology
Class Standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): To practice as a neurologist on Hawaii
Hobbies: Reading, sketching, snorkeling, hiking, and traveling
Favorite Place To Travel: Kauai! The Nā Pali coast is absolutely beautiful!
Kendal Nakaoka | Director of Medical Education
Degree and Major: B.S. Molecular Cell Biology & Minor in Psychology
Class Standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): Neurologist/neuropsychiatrist
Hobbies: I love traveling, paddleboarding, hiking, eating, and spending money on lego :)
Favorite Place To Travel: Japan!!
Kayla Lum | Director of Social Relations
Degree and Major: B.S. Biology
Class Standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): Dermatologist
Hobbies: Traveling, going out for food with friends and family, taking long walks, and online shopping
Favorite Place To Travel: Southern California
Charisa Mizuuchi | Director of Multimedia & Publications
Degree and Major: B.S. Biology & Minor in Psychology
Class Standing: Senior
Career Goal(s): I am hoping to become either a physician or a nurse practioner with a special interest in pediatrics
Hobbies: I love to spend time with friends and family, go to the beach, and binge watch shows (especially anime)
Favorite Place To Travel: I loved going to Japan! I loved the food and the culture. I am a big sushi/sashimi lover.